Be More 2024: Port Harcourt City, Nigeria
Our Be More Campaign at the garden city of Nigeria, Port Harcourt, was a huge success. ENL is committed to her mission of saving one, saving many, and raising healthy and wealthy entrepreneurs with her wellness products, business model, and business opportunities.
Amb. Vodina, training entrepreneurs on how to drive their businesses online. The One Corner Strategy: brand a corner of your office/home for your business photos and videos, and use it for social media marketing to drive in sales and new clients.
Lady Emem, aka Pglobal, educates partners on healthy living, the benefits of ENL products, and teaching being proactive regarding health, as prevention is better than cure and cheaper.
Amb. Reigns is taking testimonies from new partners about their experience with the goodness of ENL Wellness Products. #VigorBOLD, #FemeBOLD, #CranstemBOLD